Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017 (Sunday)

Bel's Nest Log
(113 & 111 days). IR light off 6:22:36am. B9 in BD 6:23:26, picks up pelt & drops it 6:24:01, plays w/it 6:24:18; B8 in LB 6:31:00; B9 squees & totes pellet around; B8 to Y-nook 6:32:59; B9 still engrossed/eating pelt 6:35:12; B9 tries to swallow pelt 6:35:43; B8 still perched in Y-nook & surveying the area 6:38:22; B8 to nest 6:39:30, back to Y-nook 6:42:18, feaks 6:42:50, to nest 6:43:02; B8 watches B9 feeding on the pelt 6:43:42 & would like to get his beak on it lol; B9 swallows bone 6:44:08, swallows a big chunk 6:47:22; tug-o-pelt 6:47:59; B9 swallows pelt 6:48:05; B9 to RB 6:49:27; B8 to Y-nook 6:50:41; B8 hops up LB 6:52:39; B9 out FD 6:52:47; B8 out FD 6:53:12; D in BD w/food (headless/tailless squirrel?) 11:05:38 & starts digging in nest; D moves food 11:11:13; D to RB 11:13:05 & out 11:13:13; M in FD w/squirrel 12:35:35; M grabs D's food offering 12:36:03 & starts eating; B9 tries to swallow pelt 2:01:54; has to bring it back out 2:02:52; B9 takes it to left side 2:06:18; B9 finally swallows it 2:06:55; B8 to LYB 2:11:07; B8 to nest 2:16:14; B8 lays down 2:17:33; B9 to RB 2:19:49; B9 to cam branch 2:22:26; to LB 2:22:47; to nest 2:23:01; B9 out BD 2:23:09; B8 gets up 2:25:06; B8 out BD 2:25:31; B9 can be heard all the way in to land on the 11 o'clock branch 7:46:06; B9 to nest still squawking 7:46:46; B8 in BSD as B9 starts to lay down 7:47:45; B9 lays down 7:47:56; B8 bugs B9 and makes him get up 7:50:19; B8 lays down 7:50:50; B9 picks at B8 7:51:56; B9 lays back down almost on top of B8 7:54:08; B8 doesn't appreciate it so bites at B9s tail feathers and gets up 7:54:46; B8 out BD 7:56:08; B9 gets up 8:08:36; B9 out BD 8:09:05; IR light 9:05:28pm.

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