Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28, 2017 (Sunday)

Bel's Nest Log
(106 & 104). Cam 1 reset 1:53:23; IR light off 6:39:38am; B8 in BD 10:42:19, lays down 10:43:15, up & to Y-nook 10:51:25, moves up LB 10:52:00, back to nest 10:54:19, lays down 10:54:50, up 11:00:02, lays down 11:04:51, sits up & starts squeeing 11:09:12; M in FD 11:09:19 w/squirrel #1; B8 claims it, but s/he & M spend the next 5 mins looking around; B8 drags it closer to the right rail 11:16:07 & finally takes a bite 11:17:07; M eats a nestover 11:18:10; both M & B8 still very interested in what's going on around them; B9 to 11-branch 11:37:02; B9 to nest & M to LB/out 11:37:11; B9 wants to steal but thinks better of it & steps up to Y branch 11:47:02; B9 out 11:48:22; B9 in to 11:00-branch 11:54:45; B9 to nest 11:55:46; B9 tries to get some squirrel 11:56:14 but B8 starts eating it; B9 to RB 11:57:50 & flies off 11:58:00; B9 in BD 11:59:09; B9 to 11:00-branch 12:03:34; B9 in 12:07:36; B8 nibbles at B9's talons & beak 12:07:53; B9 walks over & claims nestover squirrel 12:08:09 & starts to eat; B8 lays down 12:10:25; B8 gets up 12:27:46; B8 claims nestover pelt 12:28:20; B8 takes pelt back & forth across nest 12:30:18; B9 to RB 12:31:40 & B8 dances with the pelt; B9 out 12:34:20; B8 to Y-nook 12:34:44; B8 moves up LB 12:36:28 & flies off 12:36:46; B8 in BD 1:07:32; D in BD w/squirrel #2 1:25:11; B8 eats new squirrel & D works on the old pelt; can hear B9 squeeing 1:40:30; D swallows pelt 1:40:42; D to LB 1:42:27; M in BD w/squirrel #3 1:44:26; D out 1:45:08; M moves over to take a squirrel 1:46:54 & B8 complains; B8 goes to Y-nook to complain 1:47:30; B8 back to nest 1:49:57 & chitters at M; M feeds B8 tries to take the squirrel 1:54:01 & M ends offering bites; B8 takes the squirrel 1:55:55; M takes back the squirrel 1:58:00 & feeds B8 (who's standing on the other squirrel) 1:58:25; B8 chitters at M (because she's eating) 1:58:40; B8 to Y-nook 2:01:58; B8 to nest to try to take M's squirrel 2:07:10, 

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