November 2016 Videos (TNT)

11/1/16 - Bite Those NubsMom and Dad both brought in sticks today and nestorized. Dad worked really hard nibbling on the tree nubs, whittling them down and smoothing them out.
11/2/16 - Mighty Mom Heaves-Ho.  Mom really showed her might lifting that huge stick (formerly the "tree"), and Dad did plenty of work today, too.
11/3/16 - Stick Trips Part I and Stick Trips Part IILots of sticks, twigs, limbs, fluff, branches and logs brought in this morning. It got pretty crowded in the interior of the nest as Mom and Dad worked, but somehow, they managed… what a team!
11/4/16 - Fish & Fluff delivers a half fish and waits for Mom, who shows up promptly for her breakfish. The evening brought fluff delivered to the nest by both Mom and Dad.
11/5/16 - Lights, Camera, Action.  Photographers had a field day catching the antics of Mom and Dad fetching sticks for the nest this morning, and the Ps continued to work throughout the day.
11/11/16 - Slip Slidin' AwayMom brings in a log and struggles with getting it placed. Dad arrives, tries to help Mom, and they both end up watching it slip over the nest edge. 
11/13/16 - Love Is In The AirDad delivers food stuff, duck or coot or something akin to them. Dad helps Mom spread grass, he gets "frisky" with Mom, and he tries out the bole.
11/17/16 - Another One Bites The DustDad serves up squirrel for breakfast; he works while Mom savors it, stringy stuff and all. Dad brings in a big stick and loses it over the edge.
11/19/16 - Tactical ErrorAfter entering the nest several times, Dad makes a tactical error when trying to land; startles Mom big time.
11/23/16 - Thankful For CootNot sure if the P's had turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, but I do know they had coot the day before.

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